Thursday, November 29, 2012

Hawaiian Luau and Blue Hawaii Cocktails

While I was exhausted once I got to the hotel and I was tempted to just crash....I decided to attend the luau that is held at the hotel and pay the top price to be close to the stage, get a lei, and be one of the first to be able to go though the buffet line.

So after a quick shower to get rid of the plane germs, I headed over to the roof garden and looked for a place to sit.  I have to admit that I avoided tables that had little kids, looked to see if there was any non-couple groups and ended up at a table with 7 people from Japan and a couple from Philly.  (There were three tables of young guys who were obviously a sport team that i thought i should join, but good sense won out.) The couple, Dave and Sandy were scuba divers who were headed for micro indonesia to an island I had never heard of.  They were only in Hawaii or one night and then would be on a boat for 2 weeks.  The good thing was they were very welcoming and liked to talk so I had a pleasant night.

I really had no idea what to expect at the luau.  I was starved since my Starbucks scone was long ago digested, so was glad for the food.  It was fairly decent.  Like most buffets you try things and then wish you would have stuck to the basic things you like.   The entertainment was interesting.  Lots of Polynesian dances from the various islands.  What intrigued me most was the tattoos or markings on the guys.  They all had "sleeves" and markings on their chests, but a few of them had their torsos and legs done too.  One looked like he had "pants" tatooed on.....I did watch the women and the dancing and footwork, but the body markings were unbelievable.  No plans to emulate them though.

After the show I heard music from the bar in my building and decided a nice glass of wine would be good for sleeping.  Just finished it and am calling it a day....

Tomorrow may be a sunshine and water day.  I'll see what I decide once I wake up.  But effective right now I can tick Hawaii off my state list.  I am going to bed and will sleep in the state.  That means I met the requirements.  

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