Friday, November 30, 2012

Shabbat shalomm Adi my new BF

Happy far so good.  I had a leisurely morning where I went to the beach and rested and enjoyed the perks of being on vacation.   I also enjoyed being an auditory voyeur too.  The stuff you can hear while laying with your eyes closed and others are lying close by thinking that just because they are in their own world that no one can hear young Japanese man was arguing with his parents and at the end he said something  about meeting them at dinner, a couple were discussing buying a home in Oahu and setting up a practice.  Some type of healing thing but not going back into regression phases (whatever that means) and then a woman was sharing with a man her ideas about contacting some Jewish grant foundation to find out if Jewish people settle in environments that were closer to what they experienced in their native countries.  It took all I had to not shout out that those who  ended up in Chicago had to be from Cold countries in order  to want to settle there.

After deciding I could not listen in on conversations forever, I took a sun break to schedule my snorkeling adventure for tomorrow, hydrate, and then head to the pool to swim.  On my way to the pool is when I had my first glimpse of Adi.  she was giving a women a facial and I just happened to look that way as I was passing her stand and she made eye contact with me too.  Not thinking much of it I headed to the pool to enjoy the water and sun before I cleaned up to head downtown.  As I decided it was time to leave and had up yo the room, i passed her by the pool and she spoke to me.  While  I had no clue what she was saying I smiled and kept going.

Just so happened there was a jewelry store on the pathway  that had a sign that everything was on sale since they were going out of business.  They had some lovely things in the window, but my guess was that they  were CZs and not diamonds so I had to go in and check things out.  Yes they were fake and yes I tried a couple on.....but in the end I just could not do it.  I am a girl that likes the real thing.

So, as I continue towards my room, once again I pass Adi's stand and she is there alone.  She smiles at me and invited me to try her "face lift" products.  I asked if she was trying to tell me something, but of course her response was that she had only noticed my curiosity and as long as I was there I should treat myself.  Magic words....treat myself.  As Adi pointed out. I am a simple woman who has taken care of a husband and then children and never took the time for myself.  Life has had a way of catching up with me and I now look in the mirror and see the results of that and she does not think I would want to wake up in 20 years and be bitter towards life.  Women feel about life as they feel about themselves.  If I take the dead skin off my face, add some minerals, lift the places and fill in lines....or whatever else the mirror showed me as I endured myself for over an hour, I would not be one of those women....and since I am a simple women at heart, I need to take care of myself and know that I am worth investing in products that will continue to cover and rebuild the ravages of putting off doing what I should have done years before.  Wow with all that insight she had me hook line and sinker and By the time she used every product imaginable on me,  I looked less wrinkled and less puffy.  My new BF Adi has me believing that I can change my facial destiny with her products and i bought every one of them. The proof will be in the comments, but I am coming back to Chicago to a bevy of products that are sure to do the trick.

The good news is that Adi had to get home to light the candles for Shabbat  so we had to end our session with promises to keep in touch and a send monthly photos.  I am sure she will use me As her proof that all these products from the Dead Sea are great for Gentiles too....

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